
以下三种类型的信息应在您开始在网赌平台网站接受教育时以及您的个人信息发生变化时添加和/或更新. 关于这三种类型的信息摘要如下:


Please log in with your New College ID and provide this important information in NEWCLEIS. 在涉及学生的紧急情况下,学院官员将与此人联系. This would include injuries or illness involving a student.


请注册NCFSafe. This information will be used to notify you in the event of an emergency on Campus. The system is capable of email, texting, and voice delivery of important information. 请确保您提供的信息是您自己的. 我们需要能够尽快与您联系,以确保信息是您的,并根据需要进行更新.


登录并填写这些重要信息. 如果你住在赌城平台网站里并且被报告失踪,赌城平台网站警察和授权的学院官员会通知这个联系人. 如果你年满18岁或已被解放,你可以选择任何一个人作为你的失踪人员联系人. If you are under 18, it must be your parent or guardian.

In all incidents in which it has been confirmed that anyone is missing from campus, 赌城平台网站警察将是执法机构,主要负责进行调查. Report all suspected missing persons to the 赌城平台网站警察 immediately. Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315), 每个在校学生都可以选择注册一个保密联系人,以便在确定学生失踪时通知该联系人. For students less than 18 years of age and not emancipated, 家长或监护人必须是指定的联系人. 只有经过授权的赌城平台网站官员和进行失踪人员调查的执法人员才能访问学生的机密联系信息. Report all persons missing from campus to the 赌城平台网站警察, 即使他们没有注册联系人. In the event that an investigation has confirmed that a residential student is missing, 《赌城平台网站》要求在24小时内通知指定联系人. 一旦确认学生失踪,校警将立即通知指定联系人. Other local law enforcement agencies will also be notified, 失踪的学生将会被输入CJIS的计算机数据库.


网赌平台网站有责任为学生、教职员工提供一个安全的环境. Fire safety in the residence halls is one of the most important aspects of this effort. State fire regulations provide the prescription for maintenance of safe residence halls, 但是,学生、工作人员和住院医生的合作是降低风险的最重要因素.

网赌平台网站有效的消防安全条例是佛罗里达州的法律标准. Everyone in the community is subject to fire code provisions. 每个住在网赌平台网站宿舍的人都有责任遵守所有的消防安全规定, 是由州消防局长强制执行的吗, 赌城平台网站警察, 以及住宿生活办公室. 以达到合规性, 从而提供一个合理的安全, 无公害的生活环境, the College requires each student to observe the following basic safety rules.

空气质量Smoking of any kind is not permitted inside or within 15 feet of any buildings on campus. 这包括, 但不限于, 宿舍房间, 休息室, 走廊, 电梯和洗手间. 不同意吸烟或接触烟雾的学生应该做出合理的努力来解决他们之间的问题. 记住, 然而, 学生有权不受烟雾和可能由烟雾引起的火灾的危害. 这项权利优先于吸烟的权利. No tobacco products may be used, or left out in the open, in any common areas. 使用证据可能导致100美元的罚款.


  • Posters, banners, wall hangings, curtains, and tapestries should be kept to a minimum. 窗帘应该是阻燃的. Such hangings should not exceed 25 percent of the total wall area of the room.
  • 地毯只能铺在地板上. It is not to be installed on walls, doors, cabinets, 等.
  • 禁止使用可燃墙板.
  • 论文, 飘带, 节日装饰, and ribbons must be flameproof or made of noncombustible materials.
  • 任何形式的明火燃烧(包括, 但不限于, 蜡烛, 香炉, 罗马焰火筒, 等.)在宿舍的任何地方都是禁止的.
  • 使用或储存易燃液体, 化学物质, 炸药, 引物, 粉, 鞭炮, 严禁燃放烟花爆竹.
  • 压缩气体, 除了家用气溶胶, 不允许在住宅设施内使用.
  • 家具、装饰、改动或布置 !不要违反消防或建筑规范, or hinder entry or quick exit from rooms or 走廊 are not allowed.
  • 装饰, 安排, or housekeeping practices that contribute to an excessive fire load, or allow combustibles to be located near sources of ignition are not allowed.
  • 卤素灯在非常高的温度下工作, 远高于普通灯, 也更有可能引发火灾. 因此,所有的灯,包括落地灯和台灯,必须是白炽灯或荧光灯. 灯泡必须小于等于300瓦. The following guidelines must be followed to ensure proper, safe operation:
  • Never place the lamp near curtains or other 布 window treatments.
  • 不要把任何东西罩在灯上.


Cooking equipment not installed by the College is not allowed within student rooms, 但以下情况除外:

  • Microwave ovens are allowed when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • 火锅和咖啡壶必须有定时或恒温控制的自动关闭开关.
  • 带有开放式元件的电器(如烤面包机), 烤箱, 等)只允许在学院指定的烹饪区域(如休息室)使用, port /戈尔茨坦宿舍楼的厨房区).
  • 只有经学院授权或分发的便携式取暖器才可在宿舍内使用.
  • 发热装置,如灯, 生长灯, 太阳灯不得在密闭空间或靠近可燃材料的地方使用


  • 一次只能将一个高瓦数的电器(如吹风机)连接到一个插座上.
  • 电气设备必须保养良好, 电线无断线或电线绝缘.
  • Extension cords are not to be used in lieu of permanent wiring for lighting, 电视, 收音机, 音响, 等.
  • Multiple outlet devices that plug directly to a wall outlet are not allowed.
  • Heavy duty, multiple outlet devices equipped with internal breaker protection (i.e.(如电源板)被授权有限使用. All such devices must utilize minimum 16-gauge, 3-wire, grounded three-prong cord.


  • All corridor and stairwell fire doors must remain closed at all times, 除非配备自动, 电磁开门. 防火门阻碍了烟雾的传播, 火灾产生的热量和有毒气体, 并帮助控制起火地区的火势. This is important because it allows occupants additional time to evacuate.
  • 无可燃材料,如纸张, 布, 尼龙, 也可以在防火门上增加或安装麻袋.
  • Hallways, stairwells, and exit passages must remain clear and unobstructed at all times. Storage, decorations, displays, furniture, or other obstructions are not be allowed.
  • 要点 and 戈尔茨坦 Residence Hall residents may have noncombustible (i.e. 塑料或金属)家具和植物/容器在门道外的凹室空间. No 布, wood, or padded furniture/containers of any kind are allowed. Bicycles may be placed within these alcoves; otherwise, 任何时候都不允许自行车进入走廊. 在任何时候,出口标识标志和信号灯都不得被遮挡、涂改或隐藏. 它们必须保持畅通和可见.
    • 一旦通知,学生将被收取移除和处理费用,并可能被罚款200美元,任何留在套房区域外的物品.
    • No grills, lighter fluid or charcoal are permitted within the residence halls.
  • 波特和戈尔茨坦宿舍的空调柜仅供维修使用. They are not to be used as storage of any kind and must remain empty at all times.


  • 以上所有规定均适用于休息区.



This alarm is intended for room occupant notification only. It will not alert the rest of the building of a fire situation. The detector should be kept in an operable condition and tested regularly. 如发现无法使用,应立即通知房屋维修部维修或更换.

要点, 戈尔茨坦, b级宿舍和b级宿舍都配备了火灾报警系统,可以感知火灾和/或烟雾. The system can also be activated manually when there is a fire. The alarm stations are located within the 走廊 at points of exit such as stairwells. 居民应熟悉其住所内的手动拉站位置. 大楼的火警警报通知了消防部门. 当警报响起时,它们会自动做出反应.

Vandalism or tampering with life safety equipment is against the law; all violators will be prosecuted.

消防演习将会进行. Students who do not cooperate will face serious charges.

Violation of this policy may result in a $200 fine for each violation.


在走廊/公共区域放置灭火器,仅供在发生火灾时使用(并仅在首次启动建筑物火警后使用)。. 学生不应试图扑救不能立即用灭火器扑灭的火. 如果火不能被迅速扑灭,就离开该地区. Report all damaged, depleted, or missing fire extinguishers to your RA as soon as possible.


波特和戈尔茨坦宿舍在客厅区域安装了消防喷水灭火系统. 不要用任何材料覆盖它们. 不要挂植物、装饰品等.,从洒水器. Water damage to the residence could result from damage to sprinkler heads. Sprinkler heads must not be tampered with, altered, covered or blocked in any way.


  • 居民应阅读并了解居住生活部网站上的消防安全信息, as well as any information posted in the residence halls. Do not obstruct or damage these instructions in any way.
  • 居民应找到本楼层的所有出口, 熟悉一些地标,当能见度因烟雾而降低时,这些地标有助于疏散.
  • 学生应定位所在楼层的所有火警拉闸站,并熟悉其正确操作.




  • 知道宿舍的疏散区在哪里.
    • 要点 and 戈尔茨坦 residents should gather on the softball field
    • B Dorm residents should gather in front of the Counseling and Wellness Center
    • Pei居民应聚集在Z绿
    • VWXY的居民应聚集在垒球场上
    • Z居民集合到Z绿地


If you (the RA) are in your area when a fire alarm sounds, go to the appropriate evacuation and encourage your residents to do the same. 尽你所能把居民留在那些地方, 与学校和当地警察合作, 住房的员工, and fire department personnel who respond to the alarm. Check in with them and follow any instructions they give. 不要回到你的房间,直到消防部门或警察确定这样做是安全的.


更多的 safety information can be found from 赌城平台网站警察, serving USF & 网赌平台网站.

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